Prospect of Long-Run Growth in Korea : Learning from Cross-Country Data - KDI 한국개발연구원 - 연구 - 기타 보고서
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KDI 한국개발연구원

KDI 한국개발연구원


Working Paper Prospect of Long-Run Growth in Korea : Learning from Cross-Country Data 1996.02.01


Series No. 9602

Working Paper Prospect of Long-Run Growth in Korea : Learning from Cross-Country Data #경제 현안분석 #거시경제모형


  • 프로필
    조동철 원장
Predicting long-run growth pats using the Solow-like
growth formulas involves and inevitable problem : how to
predict dynamic paths of the respective explanatory variables.
This paper approacher this issue in the following four steps:
1) Estimate the relevant coefficients (elasticities) of
explanatory variables from cross-country regressions;
2) Using cross-country data, estimate the general pattern of
each explanatory variables as a (nonparametric) function
of income per capita;
3) Estimate Korea's country-specific effects in the
explanatory variables;
4) Using the above estimates, simulate the Korea's and
explanatory variables' paths simultaneously.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Cross-Country Analysis
Ⅲ. Overview of Korean Economy
Ⅳ. Recursive Prediction of Korean Economy
Ⅴ. Conclusion and Limitations
동일 주제 자료 ( 9 )
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