- 목차
■ Current Economic Trends
Economic Activity
1. Gross Domestic Product
2. Industrial output and composite index of business indicators
3. Private consumption
4. Facility investment
5. Construction investment
6. Exports and imports
7. Employment
8. Prices
9. Housing market
Financial Markets
1. Stock market
2. Bond market
3. Foreign exchange market
4. Money market
5. Official foreign reserves
6. External debt
Public Finance
1. Fiscal balance
2. National debt
■ Policy Issue
2025 Economic Policies
■ Economic News Briefing
1. Korea’s GDP Increased by 2.0 % in 2024 (Advance Estimate)
2. Bank of Korea Maintains Benchmark Interest Rate at 3.00%
3. Korea’s inbound FDI Totals US $34.6 billion in 2024

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